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Irregular Verb
Irregular Verb

In this lesson you will watch an irregular verb video, learn the definition of an irregular verb, study examples of irregular verbs, and take a test.
Irregular Verb Video
Irregular Verb Definition
  • An irregular verb does not take "ed", "d", or "t" to form the simple past and past participle as do regular verbs
  • The past participle of a regular verb is usually identical to the past form, while the past participle of an irregular verb is often different
Irregular Verb Examples
  • She had to choose between two pairs of shoes. After an hour she chose the expensive pair.
  • They asked us to bring food to the party. We brought more than enough for everyone.
  • The following words are irregular verbs
Base Form Simple Past Past Participle
Arise Arose Arisen
Awake Awoke Awoken
Be Was/Were Been
Bear Bore Born/Borne
Beat Beat Beaten
Become Became Become
Befall Befell Befallen
Begin Began Begun
Behold Beheld Beheld
Bend Bent Bent
Bet Bet Bet
Bid Bade Bidden
Bid Bid Bid
Bind Bound Bound
Bite Bit Bitten
Bleed Bled Bled
Blow Blew Blown
Break Broke Broken
Breed Bred Bred
Bring Brought Brought
Broadcast Broadcast/Broadcasted Broadcast/Broadcasted
Build Built Built
Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/Burned
Burst Burst Burst
Bust Bust Bust
Buy Bought Bought
Cast Cast Cast
Catch Caught Caught
Choose Chose Chosen
Cling Clung Clung
Clothe Clad/Clothed Clad/Clothed
Come Came Come
Cost Cost Cost
Creep Crept Crept
Cut Cut Cut
Deal Dealt Dealt
Dig Dug Dug
Dive Dived/Dove Dived
Do Did Done
Draw Drew Drawn
Dream Dreamt/Dreamed Dreamt/Dreamed
Drink Drank Drunk
Drive Drove Driven
Dwell Dwelt Dwelt
Eat Ate Eaten
Fall Fell Fallen
Feed Fed Fed
Feel Felt Felt
Fight Fought Fought
Find Found Found
Fit Fit/Fitted Fit/Fitted
Flee Fled Fled
Fling Flung Flung
Fly Flew Flown
Forbid Forbade/Forbad Forbidden
Forecast Forecast/Forecasted Forecast/Forecasted
Foresee Foresaw Foreseen
Foretell Foretold Foretold
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Forsake Forsook Forsaken
Freeze Froze Frozen
Frostbite Frostbit Frostbitten
Get Got Got/Gotten
Give Gave Given
Go Went Gone/Been
Grind Ground Ground
Grow Grew Grown
Handwrite Handwrote Handwritten
Hang Hung/Hanged Hung/Hanged
Have Had Had
Hear Heard Heard
Hide Hid Hidden
Hit Hit Hit
Hold Held Held
Hurt Hurt Hurt
Inlay Inlaid Inlaid
Input Input/Inputted Input/Inputted
Interbreed Interbred Interbred
Interlay Interlaid Interlaid
Interweave Interwoven Interwoven
Keep Kept Kept
Kneel Knelt/Kneeled Knelt/Kneeled
Knit Knit/Knitted Knit/Knitted
Know Knew Known
Lay Laid Laid
Lead Led Led
Lean Leant/Leaned Leant/Leaned
Leap Leapt/Leaped Leapt/Leaped
Learn Learnt/Learned Learnt/Learned
Leave Left Left
Lend Lent Lent
Let Let Let
Lie Lay Lain
Light Lit Lit
Lose Lost Lost
Make Made Made
Mean Meant Meant
Meet Met Met
Melt Melted Molten/Melted
Mishear Misheard Misheard
Mislay Mislaid Mislaid
Mislead Misled Misled
Mistake Mistook Mistaken
Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood
Mow Mowed Mown
Outdo Outdid Outdone
Outgrow Outgrew Outgrown
Outrun Outran Outran
Outsell Outsold Outsold
Overcome Overcame Overcome
Overdraw Overdrew Overdrawn
Overeat Overate Overeaten
Overhear Overheard Overheard
Override Overrode Overridden
Overrun Overran Overran
Oversleep Overslept Overslept
Overtake Overtook Overtaken
Overthrow Overthrew Overthrown
Partake Partook Partaken
Pay Paid Paid
Preset Preset Preset
Prove Proved Proven/Proved
Put Put Put
Quit Quit Quit
Read Read Read
Rebind Rebound Rebound
Rebuild Rebuilt Rebuilt
Redo Redid Redone
Remake Remade Remade
Repay Repaid Repaid
Rerun Reran Rerun
Resell Resold Resold
Rethink Rethought Rethought
Rewind Rewound Rewound
Rewrite Rewrote Rewritten
Rid Rid/Ridded Rid/Ridded
Ride Rode Ridden
Ring Rang Rung
Rise Rose Risen
Rive Rived Riven/Rived
Run Ran Run
Saw Sawed Sawn/Sawed
Say Said Said
See Saw Seen
Seek Sought Sought
Sell Sold Sold
Send Sent Sent
Set Set Set
Sew Sewed Sewn/Sewed
Shake Shook Shaken
Shave Shaved Shaven/Shaved
Shear Shore/Sheared Shorn/Sheared
Shed Shed Shed
Shine Shone Shone
Shoe Shod Shod
Shoot Shot Shot
Show Showed Shown
Shrink Shrank Shrunk
Shut Shut Shut
Sing Sang Sung
Sink Sank Sunk
Sit Sat Sat
Slay Slew Slain
Sleep Slept Slept
Slide Slid Slid/Slidden
Sling Slung Slung
Slink Slunk Slunk
Slit Slit Slit
Smell Smelt/Smelled Smelt/Smelled
Sneak Sneaked/Snuck Sneaked/Snuck
Soothsay Soothsaid Soothsaid
Sow Sowed Sown
Speak Spoke Spoken
Speed Sped/Speeded Sped/Speeded
Spell Spelt/Spelled Spelt/Spelled
Spend Spent Spent
Spill Spilt/Spilled Spilt/Spilled
Spin Span/Spun Spun
Spit Spat/Spit Spat/Spit
Split Split Split
Spoil Spoilt/Spoiled Spoilt/Spoiled
Spread Spread Spread
Spring Sprang Sprung
Stand Stood Stood
Steal Stole Stolen
Stick Stuck Stuck
Sting Stung Stung
Stink Stank Stunk
Stride Strode/Strided Stridden
Strike Struck Struck/Stricken
String Strung Strung
Strip Stript/Stripped Stript/Stripped
Strive Strove Striven
Sublet Sublet Sublet
Sunburn Sunburned/Sunburnt Sunburned/Sunburnt
Swear Swore Sworn
Sweat Sweat/Sweated Sweat/Sweated
Sweep Swept/Sweeped Swept/Sweeped
Swell Swelled Swollen
Swim Swam Swum
Swing Swung Swung
Take Took Taken
Teach Taught Taught
Tear Tore Torn
Tell Told Told
Think Thought Thought
Thrive Throve/Thrived Thriven/Thrived
Throw Threw Thrown
Thrust Thrust Thrust
Tread Trod Trodden
Unbind Unbound Unbound
Undergo Underwent Undergone
Underlie Underlay Underlain
Underwrite Underwrote Underwritten
Understand Understood Understood
Undo Undid Undone
Undertake Undertook Undertaken
Uphold Upheld Upheld
Upset Upset Upset
Vex Vext/Vexed Vext/Vexed
Wake Woke Woken
Wear Wore Worn
Weave Wove Woven
Wed Wed/Wedded Wed/Wedded
Weep Wept Wept
Wend Wended/Went Wended/Went
Wet Wet/Wetted Wet/Wetted
Win Won Won
Wind Wound Wound
Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn
Withhold Withheld Withheld
Withstand Withstood Withstood
Wring Wrung Wrung
Write Wrote Written
Irregular Verbs Test

In each of the test questions you will be given an irregular verb and a form of that verb in bold print. You need to decide if the word shown in bold print is either:

A. the simple past form of the verb
B. the past participle form of the verb
C. both (simple past and past participle of many irregular verbs are identical)

Example: ride - rode
Answer: A. simple past
1.  arise - arisen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
2.  become - became?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
3.  bring - brought?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
4.  build - built?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
5.  buy - bought?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
6.  catch - caught?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
7.  come - came?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
8.  deal - dealt?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
9.  drive - driven?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
10.  eat - eaten?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
11.  feed - fed?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
12.  feel - felt?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
13.  find - found?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
14.  fling - flung?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
15.  get - got?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
16.  give - gave?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
17.  go - went?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
18.  hang - hung, hanged?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
19.  have - had?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
20.  hide - hidden?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
21.  hold - held?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
22.  interbreed - interbred?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
23.  interweave - interwoven?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
24.  keep - kept?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
25.  know - known?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
26.  lay - laid?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
27.  lead - led?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
28.  lend - lent?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
29.  lie - lay?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
30.  make - made?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
31.  meet - met?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
32.  outgrow - outgrew?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
33.  overtake - overtaken?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
34.  pay - paid?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
35.  rebuild - rebuilt?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
36.  ride - ridden?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
37.  ring - rang?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
38.  run - ran?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
39.  say - said?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
40.  see - seen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
41.  send - sent?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
42.  sit - sat?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
43.  take - taken?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
44.  teach - taught?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
45.  tell - told?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
46.  think - thought?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
47.  understand - understood?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
48.  unwind - unwound?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
49.  wear - wore?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
50.  write - written?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
51.  begin - began?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
52.  behold - beheld?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
53.  bind - bound?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
54.  bite - bitten?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
55.  blow - blew?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
56.  break - broke?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
57.  choose - chosen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
58.  cling - clung?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
59.  creep - crept?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
60.  do - done?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
61.  draw - drawn?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
62.  drink - drunk?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
63.  fall - fell?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
64.  fly - flew?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
65.  forget - forgotten?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
66.  forgive - forgave?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
67.  grind - ground?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
68.  grow - grown?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
69.  hear - heard?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
70.  leave - left?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
71.  lose - lost?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
72.  mistake - mistaken?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
73.  misunderstand - misunderstood?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
74.  outrun - outran?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
75.  override - overrode?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
76.  overrun - overran?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
77.  oversleep - overslept?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
78.  partake - partaken?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
79.  rebind - rebound?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
80.  remake - remade?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
81.  repay - repaid?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
82.  rerun - reran?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
83.  resell - resold?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
84.  rethink - rethought?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
85.  rewrite - rewritten?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
86.  seek - sought?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
87.  sell - sold?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
88.  spring - sprang?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
89.  shake - shaken?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
90.  sleep - slept?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
91.  stick - stuck?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
92.  spend - spent?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
93.  tear - torn?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
94.  throw - threw?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
95.  unbind - unbound?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
96.  underlie - underlay?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
97.  weave - wove?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
98.  weep - wept?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
99.  withdraw - withdrawn?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
100.  wring - wrung?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
101.  be - been?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
102.  befall - befallen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
103.  bend - bent?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
104.  bleed - bled?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
105.  breed - bred?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
106.  dig - dug?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
107.  fight - fought?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
108.  flee - fled?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
109.  forbid - forbidden?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
110.  foresee - forseen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
111.  foretell - foretold?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
112.  forsake - foresaken?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
113.  freeze - frozen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
114.  mean - meant?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
115.  mishear - misheard?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
116.  mislay - mislaid?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
117.  mislead - misled?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
118.  outdo - outdone?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
119.  outsell - outsold?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
120.  overcome - overcame?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
121.  overeat - overeaten?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
122.  overhear - overheard?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
123.  overthrow - overthrew?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
124.  redo - redone?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
125.  rewind - rewound?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
126.  rise - risen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
127.  shoot - shot?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
128.  sing - sang?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
129.  slay - slew?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
130.  slide - slid?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
131.  sling - slung?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
132.  speak - spoken?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
133.  spin - spun?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
134.  stand - stood?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
135.  steal - stolen?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
136.  sting - stung?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
137.  stride - stridden?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
138.  strive - strove?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
139.  string - strung?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
140.  swear - sworn?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
141.  sweep - swept?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
142.  swim - swam?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
143.  swing - swung?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
144.  tread - trodden?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
145.  undertake - undertook?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
146.  underwrite - underwritten?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
147.  undo - undone?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
148.  uphold - upheld?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
149.  win - won?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
150.  wind - wound?

     a.  simple past
     b.  past participle
     c.  both
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Additional Information
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An audio lesson to help with your understanding of the different meanings of have. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
Different Meanings of 'Make' in Everyday Speech
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of the different meanings of make. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
Grammar Tips
Can You Catch These Native Speaker Mistakes?
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of common mistakes. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
Commonly Confused Words: Part One
(Beginner - Listening, reading)

A video lesson to help with your understanding of commonly confused words.
The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed.
Click here to visit the lesson page.
Commonly Confused Words: Part One
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of commonly confused words. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
Commonly Confused Words: Part Two
(Beginner - Listening, reading)

A video lesson to help with your understanding of commonly confused words.
The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed.
Click here to visit the lesson page.
Commonly Confused Words: Part Two
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of commonly confused words. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
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