Designates a truck route. |
Designates a truck route. |
Designates the route is a National
Network route for trucks. |
Designates the route is not a
National Network route for trucks. |
Designates that trucks carrying
hazardous materials are permitted on the route. |
Designates that trucks carrying
hazardous materials are not permitted on the route. |
All trucks and commercial vehicles
are required to exit next right. |
Truck weight limit of 10 tons. |
Truck weight limit of 5 tons per
axle. |
Truck weight limit of 7000 lbs when
empty. |
Truck weight limit of 3200 kg when
empty. (for drivers visiting Canada) |
Designates truck weight limits. |
Designates truck weight limits. (for
drivers visiting Canada) |
Designates truck weight limits. |
Designates truck weight limits. (for
drivers visiting Canada) |
Designates truck weight limits. (for
drivers visiting Canada) |
Designates truck weight limits. (for
drivers visiting Canada) |
Supplemental plaque. (for drivers
visiting Canada) |
must use the right lane. |
truck lane is 500 feet ahead. |
truck lane is 150 meters ahead. (for drivers visiting
Canada) |
The designated lane is only for
vehicles which are experiencing mechanical problems and are
unable to stop. |
Trucks are not allowed on the
designated road. |
Commercial vehicles are not allowed
on the designated road. |
Vehicles with lugs are not allowed on
the designated road. |