As you approach the airport where you will land in the United
States, the pilot will announce the correct time. The United States
follows a 12-hour system of time, rather than the 24-hour system
followed by many other countries. The 12 hours from midnight to noon
are called "a.m." (ante meridian). The 12 hours from noon to
midnight are called "p.m." (post meridian). For example, 1400 is two
o'clock or 2:00 p.m.; 2200 is 10 o'clock (10:00 p.m. or 10 o'clock
at night,) and 1000 is 10 o'clock (10:00 a.m. or 10 o'clock in the
morning). Set your watch to the correct U.S. time before you leave
the plane. |