Description of an
adverb. |
An adverb is a word used to tell more about a verb, and
it almost always answers the questions how?, when?,
where?, how often?, and in what way?. Words like slowly,
loudly, carefully, quickly, quietly or sadly are all
adverbs. Adverbs usually, but not always, end in -ly.
Examples of adverbs in a sentence (with the adverb in
italics): that is a weird word and is seen differently |
- How did the man walk? The man walked
- How did the dogs bark? The dogs
barked loudly.
An adverb can also modify (describe) an adjective or
another adverb
Examples: |
- Adverb modifying a verb: He writes
- Adverb modifying another adverb: He
writes very well.
- Adverb modifying an adjective: He is
very well.
In the first two examples the word 'well' is an adverb. In
the last example, it is an adjective. This is one example in
which the same word can be both an adjective and an adverb
but not in the same sentence. |
As a rule, the same word can play different roles but
not in the same sentence. It all depends on what the
word is doing in the sentence. It could be a noun, an
adjective, an adverb, a verb, etc. Example: take the
word 'cool'. In the sentence, "he walks cool", the word
'cool' is an adverb. In the sentence, "cool the hot
dish", the word 'cool' is a verb. In the sentence, "it
is a cool evening", the word 'cool' is an adjective. In
the first example, "he walks cool", the word 'cool'
really means 'coolly' as in "play it cool" (do not get
excited; be calm). |
Adverb form
Most adverbs are formed by adding ly to the end of an
adjective. To see 100 adjectives used in Basic English,
click here ---> : adjective |
Kiddle: Adverbs
Wikipedia: Adverbs |
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