Fun Easy English Classroom February 28 |
Discuss the
of sex |

Today in the Fun Easy English classroom we are continuing Love and Relationship Month in the with a
discussion about the importance of sex. People think about and talk
about this important topic. Today in the classroom you can decide if
you need sex to be happy and post a comment with your thoughts. |
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then use the Fun Easy English
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of Sex |
Hi. In the classroom today you will learn a little about sex.
Sexual intercourse is the act in which the male penis enters the
female vagina.
Traditionally, intercourse has been viewed as the natural endpoint
of all sexual contact between a man and a woman.
The meaning of the term intercourse includes at least three
different sex acts.
Vaginal intercourse
Oral intercourse
Anal intercourse
Vaginal intercourse involves penetration of the vagina by the penis.
Oral intercourse, or oral sex, refers to sexual activities involving
the use of the mouth, and may include the use of the tongue, teeth,
and throat.
People may engage in oral sex as part of foreplay before sexual
intercourse, or during or following intercourse.
It may also be performed for its own sake.
Cunnilingus refers to oral sex performed on a woman.
Cunnilingus is the act of using the mouth, lips, and tongue to
stimulate the female genitals.
Fellatio refers to oral sex performed on a man.
Fellatio is the act of using the mouth, lips, and tongue to
stimulate the male penis and genitals.
It may be performed to induce orgasm and ejaculation of semen.
It can also be used as foreplay before vaginal or anal forms of
Anal intercourse involves insertion of the male's penis into his
partner's anus.
In human sexual behavior, foreplay is a set of intimate
psychological and physical acts between two or more people meant to
increase sexual arousal.
Foreplay involves different acts such as kissing, touching,
embracing, talking, and teasing.
Of the various forms of foreplay, the most common includes fellatio
and cunnilingus.
An orgasm, or sexual climax, is often the conclusion of sexual
An orgasm may be experienced by both males and females.
An orgasm is characterized by intense physical pleasure.
The importance of sex is not the same for everyone.
Some people need sex many times a day to be happy.
Others are satisfied if they only engage in sex a few times a month.
Do you need sex to be happy?
Until next time. |
YOUR Teacher: Importance
of Sex
Hey there is a lot I want to say about this topic but
decided not to say anything except....yes sex is very
important. |
you need sex to be happy?
People all have different thinking about sex. Some
people need sex much more than others.
Decide if you need sex to be
happy on the survey below. |
Additional Lessons |
About These
The following classroom lessons are great for students
who want additional conversation, listening, and reading
practice. |
Conversation Lesson -
Intermediate Level. Let's
Learn English conversation lesson
with a conversation video, a video script, audio
listening practice, and a new
words section.
Conversation Lesson
7 - Tip Your Tour Guide
(Intermediate -
Conversation, Listening, Reading)
In this lesson Anna and Penelope are on a tour boat. A
nice young man tells them many Fun Facts about
Washington, D.C. But where are his parents? |
Lesson Video
Watch the video and then read the video script. |
Video Script
Anna: Penelope, the Lincoln Memorial is coming up on your left!
Boy: You’re going to love my Lincoln Memorial Fun Fact!
Anna: Oh, please tell us!
Boy: On a wall inside the memorial, the word “FUTURE” was carved wrong! They
carved “EUTURE”!
Anna: Well, we all make mistakes.
Boy: Yeah, but this mistake was carved in stone!
Anna: You’re right. That is pretty bad. Here’s another dollar!
Penelope: More fun facts, please! (Crossing the river) I love riding over
bridges! The water looks so pretty from here!
Anna: Penelope, this is amazing! A minute ago, we were riding along the river,
and now we’re riding in the river! Awesome.
Penelope: Hey, we’re passing by the Pentagon on our right!
Anna: Penelope, you love riding over the water on a bridge. But I love riding
under a bridge in a boat!
Penelope: Anna, look! An airplane is flying right over our heads!
Anna: Wow! This is the closest I’ve ever been to an airplane in flight. Well,
I’ve been inside a flying airplane. But not outside of an airplane as it flies
over my head!
Penelope: And now we’re driving out of the water. I still can’t believe this
thing drives and sails!
Anna: I know. It’s amazing.
Boy: After we ride along these railroad tracks, you’ll see my favorite part of
the tour! The U.S. Treasury where they make money!
Penelope: Look, the U.S. Capitol is coming up!
Boy: I have a great Fun Fact about the U.S. Capitol.
Penelope: What is it?
Boy: There are tunnels under the Capitol. They connect the Capitol and office
buildings of lawmakers.
Anna: I bet they built them years ago for secret reasons!
Boy: No. The lawmakers did not want to walk around outside in bad weather.
Anna: Oh.
Penelope: We’re back at Union Station!
Boy: Do you want to know a creepy Fun Fact about Union Station? (he points to
Union Station)
Penelope: The creepier the better!
Boy: Many years ago, inside Union Station, there was a funeral home!
Anna: A funeral home?! You mean, for dead people?!
Boy: Do you know another kind of funeral home?
Anna: No!
Boy: Well, I’ve gotta run!
Anna: Thanks for giving us the great tour!
Anna: Captain, that was awesome! And your son is a great tour guide!
Captain: What son?
Anna: Him.
Captain: I’ve never seen that boy in my life! See ya, ladies!
Professor Bot: I learned many new Fun Facts in this lesson. Did you learn about
Here’s a list of all the prepositions used in this lesson. Wow! That’s a lot! I
know, let’s not read them. Let’s sing them! Hit it, boys! Take it away singers! |
Now practice listening to only the audio portion of the conversation. |
since |
at |
through |
aboard |
behind |
to |
about |
by |
near |
across |
for |
of |
ahead |
from |
on |
around |
in |
until |
over |
like |
with |
Prepositions |
aboard on or into (a train, ship, etc.)
about used to indicate the object of a thought,
feeling, or action
across from one side to the other side of
around on all sides of (something or someone)
at used to indicate the place where someone or
something is
behind in or to a place at the back of or to the
rear of (someone or something)
by close to or next to (something or someone)
for used to indicate the thing that something is
meant to be used with
from used to indicate the starting point of a
physical movement or action
in (inside) used to indicate location or position
within something
out (outside) used to indicate that a person or
animal is moving from the inside of a building, room, etc., to the outside
like similar to (something or someone)
near close to (something or someone)
of belonging to, relating to, or connected with
(someone or something)
on touching and being supported by the top surface
of (something)
over from, to, or at a place that is higher than
(someone or something)
through into one side and out the other side of
to used to indicate the place, person, or thing
that someone or something moves toward
until up to (a particular time) — used to indicate
the time when a particular situation, activity, or period ends
with used to say that people or things are
together in one place |
New Words |
- carve -
v. to make (something, such as a sculpture or
design) by cutting off pieces of the material it is made of
- creepy -
adj. strange, scary or causing people to feel
nervous and afraid
- funeral home -
n. a place where dead people are prepared for
burial or cremation and where wakes and funerals are held
- security gate -
n. the area in a place (such as an airport or
building) where people are checked to make sure they are not carrying
weapons or other illegal materials
- stone -
n. a hard substance that comes from the ground
and is used for building or carving
- tunnel -
n. a passage that goes under the ground or
through a hill
Study all 30 English intermediate conversation lessons.
Let's Learn English conversation lessons each with a
conversation video, a video script, audio listening
practice, and a new
words section.
These lessons are for
intermediate students. |
Study all 52 English beginner conversation lessons. Let's Learn
English conversation lessons each with a conversation
video, a video script, audio listening practice, video
speaking practice, video pronunciation practice, a new
words section, and a writing activity.
lessons are for beginning students. |
Voice of America |
Hey Students,
Use this dictionary and reference to look up any words you do not
understand in Fun Easy English.
Note: search opens in a new tab. |
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