- The following words are simple prepositions consisting of one word
- aboard, about, above, absent, across, after, against,
along, alongside, amid, amidst, among, amongst, around, as,
aslant, astride, at, athwart, atop, barring, before, behind,
below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by,
despite, down, during, except, failing, following, for,
from, in, inside, into, like, mid, minus, near, next,
notwithstanding, of, off, on, onto, opposite, out, outside,
over, past, per, plus, regarding, round, save, since, than,
through, throughout, till, times, to, toward, towards,
under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, via, with,
within, without
- The following words are compound prepositions consisting of two words
- according to, ahead of, along
with, as for, as per, as to, aside from, because of, close
to, due to, except for, far from, inside of, instead of,
near to, next to, out of, outside of, owing to, prior to,
pursuant to, regardless of, subsequent to
- The following words are compound prepositions consisting of three words
- as far as, as well as, by means of, in
accordance with, in addition to, in case of, in front of, in
lieu of, in place of, in spite of, on account of, on behalf
of, on top of