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This will eventually be an outline of the resources used to make the Home Learning pages. I spent literally the last few years scouring the Internet for educational materials in the public domain which could easily be integrated into these pages. Direct links to this information will be listed on the individual topic pages when appropriate. The following is an example links table from the Astronomy page. A more detailed explanation follows.

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Kiddle: Astronomy
Wikipedia: Astronomy
Kiddle: Cosmology
Wikipedia: Cosmology
Kiddle: Age of the universe
Wikipedia: Age of the universe
Wikipedia: Timeline of cosmological theories
Wikipedia: Outline of astronomy
Wikipedia: Observational astronomy
Wikipedia: Theoretical astronomy
Page Content
  • Explanation for these links:
  • These links are external, open to new windows, and are the sources of content (text and graphics) for the specific Home Learning pages.
Kiddle: Astronomy
Wikipedia: Astronomy
Next Level
  • Explanation for these links:
  • These links are to topics (home learning pages) which go to the next level of the previous topic.
Related Links
  • Explanation for these links:
  • These links are external, open to new windows, and are related links for additional learning.
Kiddle: Cosmology
Kiddle: Age of the universe
Wikipedia: Cosmology
Wikipedia: Age of the universe
More Related Links
  • Explanation for these links:
  • These links are external, open to new windows, and are more related links for additional learning.
Wikipedia: Timeline of cosmological theories
Wikipedia: Outline of astronomy
Wikipedia: Observational astronomy
Wikipedia: Theoretical astronomy
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