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Idioms Slang Acronyms Phonics Portmanteau Words Handwriting Alphabet Surveys Tests
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English Lessons

Learn a new lesson every day
Simply visit the classroom, click a date on the calendar, and begin learning English.

News Literacy
Know the difference between REAL NEWS and FAKE NEWS. Know how to recognize CONSPIRACY THEORIES. Videos are in simple English with captions.

Become a better speaker and learn the 44 sounds of American English.

You need to learn English reductions in order to sound more like a native American English speaker.

Grammar sucks but you need to know the rules if you want to speak and write English correctly.

Grammar TV
Grammar videos from the Everyday Grammar TV program. Over 210 really good videos to watch.

Conversation lessons consist of five programs and are fantastic for improving your English skills.

VOA Pronunciation
A collection of over 40 new pronunciation practice videos from VOA.

Conversation 1
Each lesson has a conversation video, a video script, audio listening practice, video speaking practice, and video pronunciation practice.

Conversation 2
Each lesson has a conversation video, a video script, audio listening practice, and a new word section.

These online TV and video programs will make it easier for you to become a better English listener.

News Words
A list of more than 350 words with videos found in the news of today. You should know these words.

VOA Idioms
Idioms Americans often use in everyday speech. Over 330 idioms with videos.

At The Movies
Learn idioms and phrases as used in American movies. About 200 movie videos.

Tons of fun easy reading activities about holidays, America, jokes, songs, classic novels, science and much more.

Read about world holidays and take reading comprehension tests.

This is a complete list of the videos in Fun Easy English. Introducing my wife Akiko, and Mr. A. Lee En....AKA Alien.

A collection of Fun Easy English activities obtained from various sources. These activities are all PDF pages that can easily be printed.

Learn to write the letters of the English alphabet correctly.

Alphabet 4 Kids
A really nice Fun Easy way for kids to learn the English alphabet.

Learn some new English vocabulary using simple English and flashcards.

This is a collection of 1,500 words that every English language student should know. Now with news words and videos.

Want to talk with those crazy Americans? Then you need to learn a lot of idioms.

Want to understand American movies, music videos, and more? Then you need to learn a lot of slang.

A portmanteau is when parts of multiple words are combined into a new word, as in smog, by blending smoke and fog. Many of these words will really surprise you.

Learn the meaning of acronyms like LOL - FYI - WTF - AKA and hundreds more.

Learn the sounds of vowel and consonant combinations. Pictures included to make understanding easier. Great pages for kids.

News Words
Learn to correctly pronounce difficult world places and names in the news.

Confused????....I made this really cool dictionary page with new words, stories, games, and more....updated daily. (page opens to a new window)

This study section focuses on ways to improve your methods of studying English.

Speak YOUR mind and comment on important topics.

Test your English language skills and take tests in grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and pronunciation.

Do you believe in CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBAL WARMING? Reading practice for advanced students.

American Teens Talk
A collection of interviews of American high school students. Each interview is accompanied by vocabulary notes and discussion questions.

Music Radio
I added this cool music player from VOA playing the top hits and world news. Music player opens in a small popup window.

Children's Songs
Sing Out Loud Children's Songs includes popular children's songs in the U.S.A. Posters accompany the individual Sing Out Loud Children's Songs.

American Rhythms
Do you love music? Want to use it to learn English? Check out the hip-hop inspired song "Peace" from Sing Out Loud American Rhythms.

Mary and Her Little Lamb
This illustrated story is from the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
Raggedy Ann Stories
Raggedy Ann Stories, abridged and adapted from the original, contains 13 short stories about the classic rag doll and her friends.

Classic Books
This is a collection of 63 of the most popular classic books of all time. Take the challenge and see if you can understand old English.

Welcome to the the Fun Easy English world. Learn world history and geography in English. Read about your country and then check out a few others.

About America
Learn about the fascinating history and government of the United States of America.

American History
The history of the United States of America written in simple English. The beginning of a nation from 1492 - 1829.

Travel America
Planning to travel to America? Learn fun facts and read cool stories about each state. Visit the beautiful National Parks. Great reading practice.

U.S. Citizen
Lessons include content on American government and American history.

Drive America
Planning to drive in America? Learn the rules and regulations. Great reading practice.

Let's Teach English
See what it's like in an English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. Great listening and conversation practice.

Women Teaching Women
Women Teaching Women English. A collection of lessons focusing on different topics. Fantastic activities for English reading practice and for learning new vocabulary.
Home Learning

Hi there. Thanks for checking out my Home Learning pages. I made these pages to provide home learning materials for our three boys who are not in school and are learning at home. Because of COVID, many families are now home educating their kids. Hopefully these pages will be useful for you. This is an ongoing project with new topics for learning being added all the time. Please direct your thoughts, suggestions, constructive criticism, or simply say hi, using the Facebook commenting section at the bottom of any page. Note: these pages are for advanced English language students. Thanks again for checking this out. (Home Learning opens up in a new window)
John Kerry on English

Former United States of America secretary of state John Kerry talks about why learning English is so important.
Comic About Learning English

Teacher: English is very important for your work and for your life.
Student: English is very difficult. I don't understand it. I cannot study and I'm scared.
Teacher: Calm down. English is very important for your university studies and it can help you achieve your goals.
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