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Conversation Lesson 31
Lesson 31 - Take Me Out to the Ball Game

In this lesson Anna wants to go to see a baseball game. The question is: what is the fastest way for her to get there? Her friends Jonathan and Ashley give her advice.
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Lesson Video

Watch the video and then do the activities on this page.
Video Script

Anna: Hi, there, sports fans! Baseball is America’s sport. Today, I am going to Nationals Park. It is home to Washington, D.C.’s baseball team -- the Washington Nationals!
Anna: Hi, Jonathan!
Jonathan: Hi, Anna! Where are you going?
Anna: I am taking a bus to a Nationals baseball game!
Jonathan: Don’t take the bus. A taxi is faster than a bus.
Anna: Oh, good idea. You know I love baseball.
Jonathan: That’s great. Have fun.
Anna: In fact, I wanted to be a baseball player.
Jonathan: Is this one of your memories? I’m really busy.
Anna: This won’t take long. I can see it now... I am at home plate. I wait for the pitch. The ball comes. I swing. It’s a hit! I run to first base, second base, third base, then home plate. It’s a home run! The crowd cheers! Woo hoo!
Jonathan: You really love baseball. Have fun at the game, Anna.
Anna: Thanks, Jonathan.Taxi!
Ashley: Hi, Anna. Where are you going?
Anna: Hi, Ashley. I am going to see a Nationals baseball game!
Ashley: What time is the game?
Anna: 7 o’clock.
Ashley: Do you have a ticket?
Anna: No, not yet.
Ashley: Anna, you should go a lot earlier than 7 o’clock.
Anna: That is why I’m taking a taxi. Taxi!
Ashley: Anna, Anna, that’s not a good idea. A bicycle is faster than a taxi.
Anna: Oh, Ashley. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. A car is faster than your bicycle.
Ashley: In D.C. traffic sometimes a bicycle is faster than a car. And right now, there is a lot of traffic.
Anna: Good point. But I don’t have a bicycle.
Ashley: Okay, Anna, you can use my bicycle.
Anna: Thanks! I really want to learn how to ride one.
Ashley: What do you mean, learn how to ride a bike? Oh, Anna! Anna, Anna!
Ashley: You know, Anna, the Metro is faster than a taxi and a bicycle. You ought to take the Metro. It’s that way.
Anna: Good idea.
Ashley: OK.
Anna: See you later!
Ashley: Bye, Anna!
Anna: Bye!
Anna: The Metro was a lot faster than a bus, taxi or bike. And now I’m at Nationals Park! Look at all these fans! So many people like to watch baseball. There’s the ticket window. What? The tickets are sold out? Nooooooo!Nooooooo! But I really want to watch a baseball game. Does anyone have an extra ticket?
Fan: Next time, you should buy your ticket online.
Anna: Thanks. Thanks a lot. It is good advice. Being early is better than being late. Until next time …

Now practice listening to only the audio portion of the conversation.

In this video, learn to say the new words for this lesson. You can also learn about ​comparative adjectives like "faster," and superlative adjectives like "fastest."

Use this video to learn about pronouncing "than" in sentences with comparative adjectives.
New Words
  • base - n. any one of the four places a runner must touch in order to score in baseball
  • baseball - n. a game played on a large field by two teams of nine players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a long rounded stick and then running to each of the four places a runner must touch in order to score without being put out
  • better - adj. more attractive, appealing, effective or useful
  • bicycle / bike - n. a 2-wheeled vehicle that a person rides by pushing on foot pedals
  • cheer(s) - v. to shout with joy, approval, or enthusiasm
  • crowd - n. a large group of people who are together in one place
  • earlier - adv. before the usual or expected time
  • extra - adj. more than is usual or necessary
  • fan(s) - n. a person who likes and admires someone, such as a famous person, or something, such as a sport or a sports team, in a very enthusiastic way
  • faster - adv. with great speed
  • hit - v. to cause a ball to move by hitting it forcefully with a bat in baseball
  • hit - n. when a baseball player is able to successfully swing the bat and connect it with the ball
  • home plate - n. the base that a runner must touch in order to score in baseball
  • home run - n. a hit that allows the batter to go around all the bases and score a run in baseball
  • Nationals Park - n. a baseball park located in Washington, D.C. that is the home ballpark for the Washington Nationals baseball team
  • online - n. done over the Internet
  • pitch - v. to throw a ball to the player who is trying to hit the ball in baseball
  • sell out - v. to be bought until no more are available
  • swing - v. to move your arms while holding the long rounded stick that is used to hit the ball in baseball with a quick, curving motion
  • team - n. a group of people who compete in a sport or game against another group
  • than - conj. used to introduce the second or last of two or more things or people that are being compared — used with the comparative form of an adjective or adverb
  • ticket - n. a piece of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an event, travel on a vehicle
  • window - n. an opening in a wall or door that usually contains a sheet of glass

Do you like to watch sports? Where do you watch them? Write to tell us about a game you saw. Try to use some of the words from this lesson, like ticket, crowd, fans, and cheer. Write about it in the Facebook Comments section below. Then practice using comparative and superlative adjectives with a friend. Click lesson activity to get the printable PDF version. The page opens to a new window.
Source: Voice of America
Additional Conversation Lessons

English conversation lessons. 30 lessons focusing mostly on communication and grammar topics....these lessons are for intermediate students.

This is a collection of 30 situational conversations which focus on a wide variety of communicative and natural encounters in English....these lessons are for beginning students.

This is a collection of 36 situational conversations which focus on spoken American English in a relatively natural way....these lessons are for intermediate students.

This is a collection of 30 situational conversations. Each conversation is accompanied by language notes....these lessons are for advanced students.
Conversation Information
Are You How You Talk?
(Beginner - Listening, reading)

A video lesson to help with your understanding of American dialects.
The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed.
Click here to visit the lesson page.
Are You How You Talk?
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of American dialects. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
Improve Your Pronunciation by Training Your Ears
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your pronunciation and English language reductions. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Great English pronunciation tips. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
More Conversation Information
Disagreements in Everyday Conversation - Part 1
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of American conversation. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
Disagreements in Everyday Conversation - Part 2
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of American conversation. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
Giving and Receiving Compliments
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of American conversation. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
How to Make a Complaint in English
(Beginner - Listening)

An audio lesson to help with your understanding of American conversation. The English is spoken at 75% of normal speed. Click here to visit the lesson page with the written script for this audio program.
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